So, back in the early 90s, we didn’t have the internet to stay in touch with our college classmates during the summer. We made the occasional expensive long distance phone call, but mostly we wrote letters. I kept just about all of them (like this one from my friend Tim), and still get a kick out of reading them 17 years later. This one is from my best bud Patrick who still wrote to me after dealing directly with my drinking problem for our entire sophomore year.
I love how he 1) started off the letter by mockingly rooting for a NY team 2) referred to a future Bruins-Sharks Stanley Cup match up 3) called the Maple Leafs the “maple queefs” 4) refers to females as “biatches” 5) wrote “Go Vancouver!” on the envelope
Thanks for hanging in there Patrick - you rocked then and you’re rockin’ now!

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