My name is Dave, and I grew up in a family of diehard Bruins fans. Without going into too much detail (Game 7 is fast approaching), here are some highlights that come to mind in my history of being a member of the Bruins-loving McGrath family…
- On May 24, 1988, I took a walkman to my older brother’s high school graduation so I could listen to game 4 of the Cup Finals (this was the game that the power went out at the “Gahden”)
- In the early 1990s, my parents were away in Washington, DC. They went to a Bruins-Capitals game, and talked to Fred Cusick and Derek Sanderson (who did the TV play-by-play and color commentary at the time). During the game, Fred and Derek said, “Hi to the McGrath kids from Mom and Dad.” Derek also added something like, “no parties!” My siblings and I all freaked out!
- On May 11th, 1991, I took a Walkman to my junior prom so I could listen to game 6 of the Conference Finals (Bruins lost the game and the series).
- During the 1991 Bruins-Penguins Conference Finals, my sister’s friend (a Penguins fan) came over to watch a game. We had strung up a penguin stuffed animal over the doorway of the family room.
- Skating on the Garden Ice in 1995 with my older sister and friend Chris (here's "The First Kiss"

- On September 26, 1995, I went to the Boston Garden’s Last Hurrah with most of my family.
- When my younger sister was 11 or 12, she was getting players autographs in her program after a game. John Vanbiesbrouck saw the big Bruins symbol on her program and instead of signing it, he told her, “I’m not a Bruin.” Exactly, John, you’re not. A Bruins player would have signed anything a fan of any team wanted them to autograph – especially a kid!
- When we unanimously named our dog “LB” in 1990.
- The superstitions when viewing at the McGrath house – If the B’s score/win, you sit at that same place for the rest of the game; my Mom making “lucky popcorn” in between the 2nd and 3rd periods; wearing/doing the same thing you did when the B’s won; my Dad eating his “lucky peanuts”.
- On April 21, 1990, going with my Dad to Game 2 in the second round against the “Hated Habs” – Neely tied it to force OT, and Gary Galley (who my Dad wasn’t the biggest fan of) scored the OT winner
- How Bruins playoff games were the only time swearing was allowed in the house and having friends over to watch playoff games in high school.
- Meeting Cam Neely and Lyndon Byers at an Extreme concert at Great Woods – I could hardly see my hand when I shook LB’s.
- How in 1992, the Bruins playoff run helped my family keep a sense of normalcy after my recent brain cancer diagnosis (they swept The Habs that year).
- The fact that I have worn the same Bruins socks, painted toenails, jersey, hat, and ripped jeans throughout these 2011 playoffs. Tonight, I will again be watching period 1 downstairs at Hope Lodge, and periods 2 and 3 up in my apartment.
- When my parents got their two seats from the original Garden to put in the “Bruins corner” of the family room.
- Going to several of the Bruins Wives Carnivals
- A few years ago, my parents were at a game and the puck took a ricochet off the floor and hit my Mom in the chin. My Dad caught the puck and said, “I have the puck”, just as my Mom said, “I’m bleeding.” They went to first aid, and after looking at my Mom, they told her they would take her to the ER for stitches. My mother refused, not wanting to miss the end of the game. So, they bandaged her up, she watched the whole game, talked to some of the Bruins players after, and THEN went to the ER.
- Really, just how much we live and die with the Bruins, together and always B-elieving in them!
I’m sure there are more, but that’s it for now….
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