Well, I made it. Another year and another 365 blog posts. Just like my t-shirt blog, I had a lot of help with this one. Many people scanned for me, emailed me scans, and gave me (this year and in years past) a lot of the items that I scanned. Thank you to my family and friends who helped me and all of my 2011 projects like this blog and Skating for Hope – I couldn’t have done them without you!
I hope at the very minimum people enjoyed at least one of these scan blogs. And I hope both this blog and last year’s blog show at least one person that if you put your mind to it and promise yourself to do something, it’s possible. Here are some of the things I’m going to do for 2012. The end got cut off, but it says: “Be the change I want to see in the world” (from the Gandhi quote). I also forgot to add starting the website I’ve been working on, but that will come soon enough!
Thank for reading, and I hope you check out my video blog for next year! Happy 2012!