I’m not sure if being a movie-loving-brain-cancer-surviving night manager of Hope Lodge makes me an unfair or the prefect person to review 50/50, but here’s what I think…
This movie was really funny – I laughed out loud along with everyone in the theater. I could relate to many of the scenes, and it showed how valuable humor is when faced with life’s most difficult challenges. I wondered how close it was to the true events screenwriter Will Reiser experienced, and was amazed when I found out that Joseph Gordon-Levitt took the role just two days before shooting started.
As a cancer survivor, I loved the messages of 50/50:
· Cancer doesn’t care how old you are
· Cancer makes sure you listen to your body and see a doctor when something seems wrong
· Family, friends, and laughter are all great weapons to take into your battle with cancer
· Even with a positive attitude, there are times when those negative emotions need to be released
· Even though there are many types of cancer and treatments, cancer patients/survivors all share a bond that is powerful when faced with this disease
Even though I think they could have made Gordon-Levitt’s character Adam look a little “sicker” (I think most people lose their eyebrows with chemo), 50/50 did a good job balancing the serious side in between the laughs. It succeeded in telling a more personal and real cancer story, while Funny People was more of a comedy with a touch of cancer. Whether or not cancer has affected you personally, 50/50 is a movie that I think everyone can enjoy.
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